Tuesday 07 July 2015 - 12:02 to Tuesday 21 July 2015 - 12:02
British Council, Nairobi

The British Council seeks to procure suppliers to deliver its new Core Skills Training Packages offer to teachers and school leaders in Kenya. We welcome bids from individual suppliers who have track record of successfully delivering professional development training to teachers and school leaders in Kenya, as well as expertise in the school education system in Kenya. Suppliers can specify whether they wish to be considered only for teacher training or only for school leader training, or for both teacher and school leader training. 

Interested applicants should complete Annex 1 (Supplier Response) in the attached document and submit it to jobapplications@britishcouncil.or.keno later than 21 July 2015.


Any questions should be submitted via email to or no later than 21 July 2015.